
Loudon County Puppy Train

On June 2, 2010 forty-nine (49) dogs and cats left Monroe County Animal Shelter and Loudon County Animal Shelter on the Rolling Rescue van to make their way to the SPCA of upstate New York to begin their new lives.  The SPCA is a no-kill facility that is able to take many of our animals and quickly get them adopted into approved homes.  Due to strict no-tether laws, leash laws, and dog licensing laws, upstate New York does not have a major stray complication in their county.  Therefore, the adoptable pet numbers in the upstate New York SPCA are low.

The Rolling Rescue van takes a number of our pets to be transported for new homes.  In order for these pets to be eligible to travel on the Rolling Rescue van, they need a sponsorship of $20.00 per pet. You could become a sponsor for the Loudon County Puppy Train today with the initial donation to this program.


If you would like to help us with our Mission, donations may be made to the following:


Make your secure donation with PayPal:


Please make checks payable to:

Loudon County Humane Society
P.O. Box 602
Lenoir City, TN 37771
